WKA Prayer Warriors | King Academy
Prayer Warriors | WKA Prayer Warriors



2020-21 Prayer Warrior Image | WKA Prayer Warriors

Being a Prayer Warrior is an opportunity for parents, grandparents, and concerned friends to join together to seek the face of Christ on behalf of our school, the board, the faculty and staff, the students, and their families. Let’s believe together for the great things God has in store for the King family.

We invite you to be involved as we seek to enlarge the blanket of prayer and praise over King Academy. Please take the opportunity to join together to seek the Lord for our school.






Sunday: All King families to have an opportunity to worship and reflect on God's goodness and grace through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday: Wisdom, patience, and strength for WKA teachers and staff as they undertake the responsibility of teaching and training children.

Tuesday: Guidance for our board as they seek God's will to lead WKA into the future. Growth that enables WKA the opportunity to provide a quality education in a Christian environment to more and more families. Growing opportunities and resources to achieve even greater excellence in instructing, training, and ministering to our students.

Wednesday: The spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of every member of the WKA family.

Thursday: That the presence of Christ be experienced by every student, teacher, and staff member of WKA. That WKA students be able to resist any temptation that would come their way. PDF (Public Display of Faith, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), and Praise and Worship times be used by God to grow and develop our children more and more into Christ-likeness.

Friday: Good sportsmanship and Christ-like attitudes to exemplify WKA student-athletes, coaches, and fans. That our athletes will be protected from serious injury and safe travel to and from games.

Saturday: The members of each King family to grow in their love, commitment, and devotion to God and one another.



"Pour out your heart like water before the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him
for the life of your young children."
~Lamentations 2:19~